Bangladesh Computer Council, ICT Apps

আলাপন (Alapon) 3.8.10
The use of Alapon is reserved for therespective Cabinet members, Parliament members and Governmentofficial (Grade 9 or above) till now. Hence user access is beenrestricted and being verified by the National Payfixation systemunder The Ministry of Finance, Bangladesh. If user NID doesn'texist in National Payfixation system or verification process isbeing failed by it then s/he can’t login and use this applicationfor now.Alapon is offering high range of features and functionalities tothe user. Among the list most focused features are:1. Easy and automatic Signup process with unique NID.2. Audio call, Video call via Wifi, 3G/4G, EDGE or UMTS.3. Instant Messaging to a single user and also group chatfacilities.4. Supports communication between cross platform.5. Facility to reach a contact even if s/he has closed theapplication and hence Offline.6. Call or Message notification facility even if application getclosed in user mobile.7. Easy file transfer to both single or multiple contacts through agroup.8. Location tracking system. Location of both caller and calleewill be visible from corresponding end.9. Instant Location sharing to another contacts.10. Easy but exclusive contact searching facility.11. Option to generate a Favorite list from the list of allcontacts for making quick communication.12. Option to change own profile information and update designationand office information from the application.If you have any query or need quick support then Please feel freeto mail us at [email protected] or Call us at 01841252766. Oursupport is 24/7 available.